
I’m often asked by those who know that I cured myself of a decade old dis-ease using natural heath techniques, whether I therefore don’t believe in modern medicine. The answer is always a resounding no! I think modern medicine is astonishing at what it achieves on a daily basis. But what it doesn’t focus on is the why.
If we get athletes foot and cure it with cream, but don’t address the reason why we got it in the first place, of course it’s going to return at some point. This is where working with both new and older healing techniques is essential, in my humble opinion. One to relieve the issue, the other to make sure it doesn’t return.
You would not believe how stupid I felt standing in front of a mirror, looking at myself in the eye and thanking my illness for being there all those years – as it surely saved me from something much more life threatening – but asking it now to leave. But for 21 days, I persevered and within 3 months, my symptoms, along with the issues that it created, went. And almost 30 years later, they haven’t returned.
Those who are open enough don’t need me to convince them how powerful the mind can be. I’m a great believer that if we have the power to create something, we also have the power to cure it. But not by doing the same things we did when creating it.
Medicine and our doctors and nurses are amazing and in many cases they produce alchemy. But prevention is entirely down to us. We know in our hearts what is good for us. The question is: will we listen before, or after the results come in?
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