
Sometimes in life we meet a decision that is anything but clear cut. We have a feeling we must go in a certain direction even though everyone, and everything around us is trying to steer us in another.
Clarity in these moments is exceptionally hard and one has to attempt to rely on a learnt inner guidance for decisions. For me that is my stomach. There is a place above my solar plexus I always ask whether the decision I’m making is right. A gut feeling, if you will. I pose my quandary as a question to myself ‘should I do this/that?’ If there is any tension in that area after the question has been posed, I know it’s wrong.
Just this week I asked myself whether I should do something when everyone was screaming at me not to. I posed the question and came up with no resistance, so persevered regardless and, with some trepidation, faced the wrath of my decisions head on.
Thankfully for me, I was proven to be right and the decision to go ahead was vindicated by the outcome that would have been far harder for most had I not made that choice.
One can’t be taught how to find one’s guidance. All I do know is, when you do find your way of seeing through the red mist, it is worth its weight in gold.
There are always a thousand reasons why we shouldn’t spring until the net appears, but sometimes life throws us these curve balls. It is only the strong-willed who will forge ahead with their convictions at a time that seems so wrong to everyone else.
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